Supporting Python 3: An in-depth guide

Common migration problems

If you have followed the recommendation to make sure your code runs without warnings with python2.7 -3 many of the simpler errors you can get now will be avoided, such as having variable names that are Python 3 keywords and other easy fixes. You will also have avoided one of the more subtle errors, that integer division now can return a float. There is still a range of common errors you may run into. Some are easy to fix, other less so.

If you need to support both Python 2 and Python 3 it’s quite likely that you will need to make conditional code depending on the Python version. In this book I consistently compare the sys.version_info tuple with a (3,) tuple. But there are many other ways of doing the same test, like sys.version_info[0] != 3 or using the sys.version string. Which one you use is a matter of personal preference. If you end up doing a lot of tests, setting a constant is a good idea:

>>> import sys
>>> PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)

Then you can just use the PY3 constant in the rest of the software.

Now, onto the most common problems.

Incorrect imports

Sometimes you’ll encounter a situation where 2to3 seems to have missed changing an import. This is usually because you can import a function or class from another module than where it’s defined.

For example, in Python 2 url2pathname is defined in urllib, but it is used by and imported into urllib2. It’s common to see code that imports url2pathname from urllib2 to avoid needing to import urllib separately. However, when you do this, the import will not be correctly changed to the new library locations, as 2to3 doesn’t know about this trick, so you need to change your code to import from the correct place before running 2to3.

Relative import problems

Python 3 changes the syntax for imports from within a package, requiring you to use the relative import syntax, saying from . import mymodule instead of the just import mymodule. For the most part 2to3 will handle this for you, but there are a couple of cases where 2to3 will do the wrong thing.

The import fixer will look at your imports and look at your local modules and packages, and if the import is local, it will change it to the new syntax. However, when the local module is an extension module, that module will typically not have been built when you run 2to3. That means the fixer will not find the local module, and not change the import.

Contrariwise, if you import a module from the standard library and you also have a folder with the same name as that library, the import fixer will assume that it is a local package, and change the import to a local import. It will do this even if the folder is not a package. This is a bug in the import fixer, but all current versions of Python have this bug, so you need to be aware of it.

The solution to these problems for Python 2.5 and later is to convert the imports to relative imports and add the __future__ import to enable Python 3’s absolute/relative import syntax.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from . import mymodule

Since the module already uses the new import behavior the import fixer will not make any changes to the relative imports, avoiding these problems.

If you need to support Python 2.4 or earlier you can avoid these issues by not having any relative imports at all, and excluding the import fixer when running 2to3.

Unorderable types, __cmp__ and cmp

Under Python 2 the most common way of making types sortable is to implement a __cmp__() method that in turn uses the builtin cmp() function, like this class that will sort according to lastname:

>>> class Orderable(object):
...     def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
...         self.first = firstname
...         self.last = lastname
...     def __cmp__(self, other):
...         return cmp("%s, %s" % (self.last, self.first),
...                    "%s, %s" % (other.last, other.first))
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "%s %s" % (self.first, self.last)
>>> sorted([Orderable('Donald', 'Duck'),
...         Orderable('Paul', 'Anka')])
[Paul Anka, Donald Duck]

Since having both __cmp__() and rich comparison methods violates the principle of there being only one obvious way of doing something, Python 3 ignores the __cmp__() method. In addition to this, the cmp() function is gone! This typically results in your converted code raising a TypeError: unorderable types error. So you need to replace the __cmp__() method with rich comparison methods instead. To support sorting you only need to implement __lt__(), the method used for the “less then” operator, <.

>>> class Orderable(object):
...     def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
...         self.first = firstname
...         self.last = lastname
...     def __lt__(self, other):
...         return ("%s, %s" % (self.last, self.first) <
...                 "%s, %s" % (other.last, other.first))
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "%s %s" % (self.first, self.last)
>>> sorted([Orderable('Donald', 'Duck'),
...         Orderable('Paul', 'Anka')])
[Paul Anka, Donald Duck]

To support other comparison operators you need to implement them separately. See Separate binary data and strings for an example of how to do that.


In parallel to the removal of the cmp() function and __cmp__() method the cmp parameter to list.sort() and sorted() is gone in Python 3. This results in one of these following errors:

TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
TypeError: must use keyword argument for key function

Instead of the cmp parameter you need to use the key parameter that was introduced in Python 2.4. See When sorting, use key instead of cmp for more information.

Sorting Unicode

Because the cmp= parameter is removed in Python 3, sorting Unicode with locale.strcoll no longer works. In Python 3 you can use locale.strxfrm instead.

>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'sv_SE.UTF-8')
>>> corpus = ["art", "Älg", "ærgeligt", "Aardvark"]
>>> sorted(corpus, key=locale.strxfrm)
['Aardvark', 'art', 'Älg', 'ærgeligt']

This will not work under Python 2, where locale.strxfrm will expect a non-unicode string encoded with the locale encoding. If you only support Python 2.7 and Python 3.2 and later, you can still use locale.strcoll thanks to a convenience function in functools.

>>> from functools import cmp_to_key
>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'sv_SE.UTF-8')
>>> corpus = ["art", "Älg", "ærgeligt", "Aardvark"]
>>> sorted(corpus, key=cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll))
['Aardvark', 'art', 'Älg', 'ærgeligt']

This is however much slower, and doesn’t work in Python 2.6 or Python 3.1.

Bytes, strings and Unicode

The biggest problem you may encounter relates to one of the most important changes in Python 3; strings are now always Unicode. This will simplify any application that needs to use Unicode, which is almost any application that is to be used outside of English-speaking countries.

Of course, since strings are now always Unicode, we need another type for binary data. Python 3 has two new binary types, bytes and bytearrays. The bytes type is similar to the the string type, but instead of being a string of characters, it’s a string of integers. Bytearrays are more like a list, but a list that can only hold integers between 0 and 255. A bytearray is mutable and used if you need to manipulate binary data. Because it’s a new type, although it also exists in Python 2.6, I’m mostly going to ignore it in this book and concentrate on other ways of handling binary data.

Byte literals

The first problem we encounter is how to put binary data into the Python code. In Python 2 we used standard strings and therefore standard string literals. To check if a file really is a GIF file, we can look at the first six bytes, which should start with GIF89a (or GIF87a, but let’s ignore that for now):

>>> file = open('maybe_a.gif', 'rb')
>>> == 'GIF89a'

In Python 3 the test would always fail, as you need to compare with a bytes object instead. If you don’t need Python 2 support you can simply change any string literals that hold binary data to be bytes literals by adding a leading b to them.

>>> file = open('maybe_a.gif', 'rb')
>>> == b'GIF89a'

There are also a couple of other cases that need changing. The string type in Python 2 is a list of 8-bit characters, but the bytes type in Python 3 is a list of 8-bit integers. So taking one character of a string will return a one-character long string, but taking one byte of a bytes object will return an integer! You will therefore have to change any byte-level manipulation to use integers instead. Often this is a question of removing a lot of ord() and chr() calls, as manipulation on byte levels tend to be about integers and not characters in the first place.

>>> 'GIF89a'[2]
>>> b'GIF89a'[2]

Binary data in Python 2 and Python 3

These changes create a problem if you want to still support Python 2. 2to3 will generally assume that when you use a string in Python 2, that’s what you want in Python 3 as well and in most cases this is true. So when it is not true, you need to mark the data as binary so it keeps working in Python 3.

In Python 2.6 and the upcoming 2.7 there is both a bytes literal you can use to specify that the data is binary, as well as a bytes type. Under Python 2 the bytes literal and bytes type are just aliases for str so the objects will not behave exactly the same as the bytes object in Python 3. Most importantly, it will be a string of characters, not a string of bytes, so in Python 2, b'GIF89a'[2] will not return the integer 70, but the string 'F'.

Luckily this is not a very common problem, as most cases of handling binary data handle the data as one block and you don’t need to look at or modify separate bytes. If you need to do it there is a trick that works under both Python 2 and Python 3 and that is to make a one character long slice.

>>> b'GIF89a'[2:3]

This will work equally well under Python 2.6 as Python 3, although you get a one character str-string in Python 2.6 and a one character bytes-string in Python 3.

However, under Python 2.5 or earlier, the b'GIF89a' syntax doesn’t work at all, so it’s only a solution if you don’t need to support versions of Python before 2.6. To ensure that the data is binary you can make a Unicode string and encode it to get binary data. This code will work well in all versions of Python 2 and Python 3.

>>> file = open('maybe_a.gif', 'rb')
>>> == u'GIF89a'.encode('ISO-8859-1')

Of course, the u'GIF89a' isn’t valid syntax in Python 3, because the separate Unicode literal is gone, but 2to3 will handle it and remove the u prefix.

Nicer solutions

If you think this is all a bunch of ugly hacks, you are correct. Let’s improve things by making a special function which under Python 3 will take a string and make binary data from it and in Python 2 will simply return the string as is. This is both less ugly and gets rid of the encoding step under Python 2. You can call this function anything you want, including “ArthurBelling”, but several early adopters of Python 3 has made their own variants of this function and they all called it “b” which is nice, short and looks similar to the bytes literal. We’ll define it like this:

import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    def b(x):
        return x
    import codecs
    def b(x):
        return codecs.latin_1_encode(x)[0]

Under Python 2 this will return a the string you pass in, ready for use as binary data:

>>> from makebytes import b
>>> b('GIF89a')

While under Python 3 it will take a string and encode it to return a bytes object.

>>> from makebytes import b
>>> b('GIF89a')

This method uses the ISO-8859-1 encoding, also known as Latin-1, as it is the only encoding whose 256 characters are identical to the 256 first characters of Unicode. The example here would work fine with the ASCII encoding, but if you have a character value over 127 then you need to use the ISO-8859-1 and its one-to-one mapping to Unicode.

This implementation of the b() function picks up the encoding function directly from the codecs module as this is marginally faster, but it will not be noticeable in practice. You’ll need to call b() millions of times for it to make a difference, and since you use it as a replacement for bytes literals this will not happen. Feel free to use x.encode('ISO-8859-1') instead if you like it better.

Manipulating binary data

The b() function makes it possible to create binary data from literals, so it solves one major problem with binary data when supporting both Python 2 and Python 3. It doesn’t solve the unusual case where you need to inspect or modify the bytes one by one, as indexing or iterating over the binary data will return one-character strings under Python 2 but integers under Python 3.

If you only need to support Python 2.6 and Python 2.7 you can use the new bytearray type for this. It is a mutable type that has an interface that supports a useful mix of the most common list and string operations, it has for example both .append() and .find() as well as some methods of its own, like the handy .fromhex().

>>> data = bytearray(b'Monty Python')
>>> data[5] = 33
>>> data

If you need to support Python 2.5 or earlier you can solve this issue by introducing helper functions to iterate or get a specific index out of either a str or a bytes and return integers in both cases:

>>> import sys
>>> if sys.version_info < (3,):
...     def byteindex(data, index):
...         return ord(data[index])
...     def iterbytes(data):
...         return (ord (char) for char in data)
... else:
...     byteindex = lambda x, i: x[i]
...     iterbytes = lambda x: iter(x)
>>> from makebytes import b
>>> byteindex(b('Test'), 2)
>>> print([x for x in iterbytes(b('Test'))])
[84, 101, 115, 116]

The above iterbytes example uses a generator expression, which requires Python 2.4. To support earlier Pythons you can make it a list comprehension instead, which just uses more memory.

If you don’t like these helper functions you might want to introduce a special binary type that works the same under both Python 2 and Python 3. However, the standard library will assume you pass in strings under Python 2 and under Python 3 it will assume you pass in bytes, so you have to subclass it from str in Python 2 and bytes in Python 3. This solution introduces a new type that has extra functions that behave the same under all versions of Python, but leave the standard functions alone:

import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    class Bites(str):
        def __new__(cls, value):
            if isinstance(value[0], int):
                # It's a list of integers
                value = ''.join([chr(x) for x in value])
            return super(Bites, cls).__new__(cls, value)

        def itemint(self, index):
            return ord(self[index])

        def iterint(self):
            for x in self:
                yield ord(x)

    class Bites(bytes):
        def __new__(cls, value):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                # It's a unicode string:
                value = value.encode('ISO-8859-1')
            return super(Bites, cls).__new__(cls, value)

        def itemint(self, x):
            return self[x]

        def iterint(self):
            for x in self:
                yield x

This new binary class, which I called Bites but equally well could be called anything else, including just b, in analogy with the method above, will accept both strings and lists of integers in the construction. As you see it subclasses str in Python 2 and bytes in Python 3 and is therefore an extension of the binary types in both versions, so it can be passed straight into standard library functions that need binary data.

You would use it like this:

>>> from bites import Bites
>>> Bites([71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97]).itemint(2)
>>> binary_data = Bites(open('maybe_a.gif', 'rb').read())
>>> binary_data.itemint(2)
>>> print([x for x in Bites('GIF89a').iterint()])
[71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97]

You could easily add support for taking a slice out of the class and always get a list of integers as well, or any other method you need to work the same in Python 2 and Python 3.

If you think a whole class like this seems overly complicated, then you are right. It is quite likely that you won’t ever need it, even when handling binary data. Most of the time you need to handle binary data you do it by reading or writing binary data from a stream or calling functions, and in these cases you handle the data as one block and do not look at individual bytes. So for almost all handling of binary data the Bites class is overkill.

Reading from files

Another source of problems in handling binary and Unicode data is when you read and write to files or other streams. One common problem is that the file is opened in the wrong mode. Make sure you open text files with the 't' flag and binary files with the 'b' flag and you have solved many problems.

Opening a file with the 't' flag will return a unicode object under Python 3 and it will be decoded from the system default encoding, which is different on different platforms. If it has any other encoding you need to pass that encoding into the open() function as a parameter. In Python 2 the open() function doesn’t take an encoding parameter and will return a str object. As long as your file contains only ASCII characters this isn’t a problem, but when it doesn’t you will have to make some changes.

Opening the file as binary and decoding the data afterward is an option, for example with However, the translation of line endings that happens on Windows isn’t going to work in that case:

>>> import codecs
>>> infile ='UTF-8.txt', 'r', encoding='UTF-8')
>>> print(
It wörks

Python 3’s handling and open method is contained in the new io module. This module has been backported to Python 2.6 and 2.7, so if you don’t need to support Python 2.5 or earlier, you can replace all open() calls with for Python 3 compatibility. It doesn’t suffer from the line ending problem under Windows that has and will in fact convert line endings in text mode under all platforms, unless explicitly told not to with the newline='' parameter.

>>> import io
>>> infile ='UTF-8.txt', 'rt', encoding='UTF-8')
>>> print(
It wörks

But beware that the io module under Python 2.6 and Python 3.0 is quite slow, so if you are handling loads of data and need to support Python 2.6 this may not be the right solution for you.

Another case where you need to open the file in binary mode is if you don’t know if the file is text or binary until you have read part of it, or if the file contains both binary and text. Then you need to open it in binary mode and decode it conditionally, where in Python 2 you could often have opened it in binary mode, and skipped the decoding.

Also, if you do a lot of seeking in a file it will be very slow if you open the file in text mode, as the seeking will need to decode the data. In that case you need to open the file in binary mode, and decode the data after reading it.

Replacing UserDict

When you want to make classes that behave like dictionaries but aren’t, the UserDict module is a popular solution because you don’t have to implement all the dictionary methods yourself. However, the UserDict module is gone in Python 3, merged into the collections module. Because of the change in how dictionaries work in Python 3, where items(), keys() and values() now return views instead of lists as well as the changes in how sorting and comparing is done, the replacements are not completely compatible. Because of this there are no fixers that make these changes, you will have to do them manually.

In most cases it is just a question of replacing the base class. UserDict.IterableUserDict is replaced by collections.UserDict and UserDict.DictMixin is now collections.MutableMapping, UserDict.UserDict is gone, but collections.UserDict will work as a solution in most cases.

One of the common problems is that collections.MutableMapping requires your dictionary to implement __len__ and __iter__ where DictMixin doesn’t. However, implementing them so that they work under Python 3 won’t break anything under Python 2.

If you need to support both Python 3 and versions below Python 2.6 you also have to make conditional imports:

>>> try:
...     from UserDict import UserDict
...     from UserDict import DictMixin
... except ImportError:
...     from collections import UserDict
...     from collections import MutableMapping as DictMixin

CSV API changes

In Python 2, the csv module requires you to open files in binary mode. This is because the module needs to be able to control line-endings, as typical CSV files use DOS line-endings, and the text-mode under Python 2 can change line-endings on some platforms. The csv module will also return and expect data in byte-strings.

The Python 3 csv-module instead requires you to open the file in text-mode with newline='', and it returns and expects Unicode strings.

If you need to support both Python 2 and Python 3, and you need to support Unicode, the best solution I have found is to use “wrapper” classes. The following classes work for Python 2.6 and later.

import sys, csv, codecs

PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)

class UnicodeReader:
    def __init__(self, filename, dialect=csv.excel,
                 encoding="utf-8", **kw):
        self.filename = filename
        self.dialect = dialect
        self.encoding = encoding = kw

    def __enter__(self):
        if PY3:
            self.f = open(self.filename, 'rt',
                          encoding=self.encoding, newline='')
            self.f = open(self.filename, 'rb')
        self.reader = csv.reader(self.f, dialect=self.dialect,
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def next(self):
        row = next(self.reader)
        if PY3:
            return row
        return [s.decode(self.encoding) for s in row]

    __next__ = next

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

class UnicodeWriter:
    def __init__(self, filename, dialect=csv.excel,
                 encoding="utf-8", **kw):
        self.filename = filename
        self.dialect = dialect
        self.encoding = encoding = kw

    def __enter__(self):
        if PY3:
            self.f = open(self.filename, 'wt',
                          encoding=self.encoding, newline='')
            self.f = open(self.filename, 'wb')
        self.writer = csv.writer(self.f, dialect=self.dialect,
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def writerow(self, row):
        if not PY3:
            row = [s.encode(self.encoding) for s in row]

    def writerows(self, rows):
        for row in rows:

The DictReader and DictWriter can easily be extended in the same way, by encoding and decoding both keys and values.

Running doctests

One of the more persistently annoying problems you may encounter are doctests. Personally I think doctests are brilliant for testing documentation, but there has been a recommendation in some circuits to make as many tests as possible doctests. This becomes a problem with Python 3 because doctests rely on comparing the output of the code. That means they are sensitive to changes in formatting and Python 3 has several of these. This means that if you have doctests you will get many, many failures. Don’t despair! Most of them are not actual failures, but changes in the output formatting. 2to3 handles that change in the code of the doctests, but not in the output.

If you need to only support Python 3, the solution is simple and boring. Run the doctests and look at each failure to see if it is a real failure or a change in formatting. This can sometimes be frustrating, as you can sit and stare at a failure trying to figure out what actually is different between the expected and the actual output. On the other hand, that’s normal with doctests, even when you aren’t using Python 3, which of course is one of the reasons that they aren’t suitable as the main form of testing for a project.

It gets more tricky if you need to continue to support Python 2, since you need to write output that works in both versions and that can be difficult and in some cases impossible for example when testing for exceptions, see below.

write() has a return value

One common reason a doctest fails under Python 3 is when writing to a file. The write() method now returns the number of bytes written. Doctests for Python 2 will not expect anything to be returned, so they will break. The workaround for that is easy and will work under Python 2 as well. Just assign a dummy variable to the result:

>>> ignore = open('/tmp/file.out', 'wt').write('Some text')

Types are now classes

Also, the __repr__() output of many types have changed. In Python 2 built-in classes represented themselves as types.

>>> type([])
<type 'list'>

In Python 3, they are classes, like everything else.

>>> type([])
<class 'list'>

Here you have two options if you want to support both Python 2 and Python 3. The first it to use isinstance instead:

>>> isinstance([], list)

The alternative is to enable the ELLIPSIS flag for the doctests and replace the part of the output that changes with three dots.

>>> type([])
<... 'list'>

Handling expected exceptions

Using the ELLIPSIS flag is something you can use for most differences you find when you need to support both Python 2 and Python 3, but with one exception, namely exceptions. The output of tracebacks now includes the module names of the exception. In Python 2 checking for an exception would look like this:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostbyname("www.python.rog")
Traceback (most recent call last):
gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

However, in Python 3 that traceback will include the module name, so you have to make it look like this:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostbyname("www.python.rog")
Traceback (most recent call last):
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

In addition to this, some Exceptions have moved as a part of the general reorganization of the standard library. You can’t use the ELLIPSIS flag and put an ellipsis in the beginning of the exception definition, because if you add that doctests no longer recognize the output as an exception and it will stop working in all versions of Python! The solution to this is to trap the exception:

>>> import socket
>>> try:
...     socket.gethostbyname("www.python.rog")
...     raise AssertionError("gaierror exception was not raised")
... except socket.gaierror:
...     pass

It’s not a pretty solution, but the only one available at the moment. Luckily the most common exceptions, the ones in the builtin module, do not change their rendering, so they will continue to work. You only need to do this change with exceptions from the modules in the standard library or any third-party modules. In Python 2.7 the IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL flag has been extended so that it will handle the differences in exception formatting. However, it will still not work under Python 2.6, so if you need to support Python 2.6 or earlier you need to rewrite the test to trap the exception.

If I have doctests with a lot of exception testing I usually end up using a helper function, similar to the assertRaises of standard unit tests:

import sys

def shouldRaise(eclass, method, *args, **kw):
        method(*args, **kw)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        if not isinstance(e, eclass):
    raise Exception("Expected exception %s not raised" %

The usage would be like this:

>>> import socket
>>> shouldRaise(socket.gaierror,
...     socket.gethostbyname, "www.python.rog")

String representation

Output from functions that return binary data, like reading from a website, will return str under Python 2, while in Python 3 they will return bytes, which has a different representation.

To solve this I have used a helper function that makes sure the output is a string before printing it:

>>> def bprint(data):
...     if not isinstance(data, str):
...         data = data.decode()
...     print(data.strip())

It also removes leading and trailing whitespace for good measure, so that you don’t have to have as many <BLANKLINE> statements in the code.

Unicode representation

Output from functions that return text data, like reading from a file with a declared encoding, will return unicode under Python 2, while in Python 3 they will return str, which has a different native representation. A simple function like this, which returns text data, will fail on Python 2.

>>> readfile()

The problem is that a unicode string will be written like u'Hello' under Python 2, and the same function will return a str that will be written like 'Hello' under Python 3. One workaround is to use from __future__ import unicode_literals and write doctests in a contorted style:

>>> readfile() == 'Hello'

A more complex workaround, but which leads to doctests that are easier to read, is to write your tests to expect Python 3-style string literals, and then re-write them on the fly if you’re testing under Python 2. This will require you to run doctests from within the unittest framework, using the load_tests mechanism and specifying a special checker class that transforms the expected output just prior to checking it:

import re, sys
from doctest import OutputChecker, DocTestSuite

class Py23DocChecker(OutputChecker):
    def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            # if running on py2, attempt to prefix all the strings
            # with "u" to signify that they're unicode literals
            want = re.sub("'(.*?)'", "u'\\1'", want)
        return OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)

def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore):
    tests.addTests(DocTestSuite(mymodule, checker=Py23DocChecker()))
    return tests


This recipe is adapted from, but rewritten to use the Python 3 formatting as the native one.

dict and set order

In Python 3.3 a random seed value is added to the hash function, for security reasons. This means that any doctest you have that tests the output of a dictionary or set will fail when you try to run it in Python 3.3, as the order will change with every run.

Failed example:
    {x for x in department}
    {'a', ' ', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'S', 'W', 'y'}
    {'y', 'S', 'W', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'a', ' '}

This must be changed to equality testing, which unfortunately will make the failures much less informative.

Failed example:
    {x for x in department} == \
        {'a', ' ', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'S', 'W', 'y'}